How to analyze MySQL slow query log using pt-query-digest

Sometimes you need to analyze slow queries from a MySQL database server that has been deployed as a Amazon RDS service. The slow queries are going into the table slow_log inside the mysql system database. This will happen when you have enabled logging of slow queries and log_output system variable is set to TABLE.

We will use pt-query-digest - a percona tool used to analyze MySQL queries from logs, process-list and tcpdump.

To export the slow queries, run the following command from a machine/jump-box that is allowed to connect to the target database and has mysql client installed. The data is exported into a MySQL slow-log format, which pt-query-digest can analyze:

mysql -h your_amazon_rds_endpoint -u your_master_user_name -p -D mysql -s -r -e "SELECT CONCAT( '# Time: ', DATE_FORMAT(start_time, '%y%m%d %H%i%s'), '\n', '# User@Host: ', user_host, '\n', '# Query_time: ', TIME_TO_SEC(query_time),  '  Lock_time: ', TIME_TO_SEC(lock_time), '  Rows_sent: ', rows_sent, '  Rows_examined: ', rows_examined, '\n', sql_text, ';' ) FROM mysql.slow_log" > /tmp/mysql_slow_log.log

It will ask for password, Please enter the same and press Enter key.

The -s (–silent) option is used to suppress echoing of the query.

The -r (–raw) option is used to disable character escaping making \n into an actual newline, otherwise it’s echoed as ‘\n’.
  • Please substitute values for host and user according to your environment. The used account must have the privilege to SELECT from mysql.slow_log.
  • If you are coping the above command then please take care of the quotes if they get messed up while copy-paste from web.
  • /tmp is just the location and mysql_slow_log.log is just the file name that I choose here. You can choose any other location and file name of your choice. Same will hold true for any other location and file name used in the article ahead.
Once the export is complete, run pt-query-digest to do the analysis. If you already have a slow queries log file then directly analyze the log via pt-query-digest.

A simple review command is: (considering file name and locations from above context)

pt-query-digest --limit 100% /tmp/mysql.slow_log.log > /tmp/query-digest.txt

The query-digest.txt file is now ready for review.


This article outline the general knowledge required to analyze slow log using percona toolkit.

If you have understood the concept then you can use the same process in future, even if the used tool or mysql components get changed.


Enable slow query log in MySQL 5.5 

Percona pt-query-digest Tool 

Exporting the mysql.slow_log table into slow query log format 

To read and understand the pt-query-digest output - Identifying the load with the help of pt-query-digest and Percona Server


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