ORA-01555 Snapshot Too Old

ORA-01555 Snapshot Too Old

Oracle Server has the ability to have multi-version read consistency 
which is invaluable to you because it guarantees that you are 
seeing a consistent view of the data (no 'dirty reads').

What it means is that when you are executing a query, Oracle server 
will provide you a consistent view of the database as if someone 
has taken a Snapshot of the database at the time your query begins. 
Hence the name “Snapshot Too Old”.

How Oracle Server Provide Consistent View

Oracle server has the ability to determine whether a database 
block has been modified or not with respect to your 
query/transaction and if it was modified then how to retrieve 
the unmodified version of that database block for 
your transaction.  
Whenever Oracle changes a database block (index, table, etc,) it 
stores a pointer in the header of the data block which identifies 
the rollback segment used to hold the rollback information for the 
changes made by the transaction. (This is required if the user 
later decided not to commit the changes and wishes to 
'undo/rollback' the changes made.)
Database block(s) also maintain transaction information in their 
header using transaction table.
Upon commit, the database simply marks the relevant rollback 
segment header entry as committed. Now, when one of the 
changed blocks is revisited (Say during the execution of 
your query) Oracle examines the header of the data block which 
indicates that it has been changed at some point. 
The database needs to confirm whether the change 
has been committed or whether it is currently uncommitted. 
To do this, Oracle determines the rollback segment used for 
the previous transaction (from the block's header) 
and then determines whether the rollback header indicates 
whether it has been committed or not. 
Hence to provide consistent view for your query/transaction 
all it needs is to determine whether the db block your 
query is using has been modified or not and 
if it modified then go to the rollback segment related to 
this block. Use the information there and present an 
unmodified view of that db block to your query. 

Reason for ORA-01555 Snapshot Too Old

As you already learn that Oracle tries to provide a consistent view of your query/transaction.
For that it needs the relevant rollback information that it can apply to the db block and
provide your query the consistent view of that db block.When Oracle do not find
that relevant rollback information, this can be due to the fact that the ROLLBACK has
been overwritten OR the ROLLBACK TRANSACTION SLOT has been overwritten,
it produces “ORA-01555 Snapshot Too Old” Error.  

Let’s have an Example:

We are taking an example of “ROLLBACK has been overwritten”.
Note: The names like M has been taken for demonstration purpose 
Oracle server may or may not store information like that.
Table under Consideration – EMP (Employee Table)
DB Block identifier (Arbitrary) - M
Row(s) identifier in DB Block (M) – A,C,G,J,B,L,H,N,T,S,Y etc.
When your query access data, it do that in a random fashion.
What it means is that you cannot guarantee that row C 
will be read, and then row L will be read in the database 
block M. Any row can be read at any time in a random fashion.
Now say one session X starts reading the rows from table EMP and 
another session Y, which starts after session X, starts modifying 
the rows of table EMP. 
Session X reads row(s) A, G, L and S in random fashion and 
meanwhile Session Y have modified row(s) N, T, B and Y. 
Session Y move further and modified another row say C but due to 
inappropriate size of rollback segment it overwrites the 
rollback information that is required to undo the changes 
to row T with its own. 
Now Session X reads row T from db block M and will get to 
know that the block has been modified. 
Since X has started before Y, oracle has to provide the query 
(related to session X) a consistent view of the database, 
it will go to db block header to get the information about 
the rollback segment that contain the relevant information 
and hence to undo the modification of row T
But in the end oracle will find that the required information 
no longer exists(as it has been overwritten) 
and hence it will throw 
ORA-01555 Snapshot Too Old” Error.

Solution for ORA-01555 Snapshot Too Old

1.  You should properly size your rollback segment.
2.  You should add more rollback segments to your database.
3.  You should appropriately set UNDO_RETENTION parameter depending upon the longest running transaction/query in your database server.
4.  You should not commit too frequently, Commit only when required for transactional purpose.
5.  You should try to tune your query and make it go faster.
6.  You should avoid fetching across commits.
You can also use Oracle Enterprise Manager to gather the required statistics to aid your Undo Management activity.



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