
Showing posts from October, 2020

How to setup a Sharded Cluster in MongoDB using an Ubuntu Server 18.04

Introduction MongoDB is a No-SQL, document based database system that scales well horizontally and implements data storage through a key-value system. A popular choice for web applications and websites, MongoDB is easy to implement and access pro-grammatically. MongoDB achieves scaling through a technique known as "sharding". Sharding is the process of writing data across different servers to distribute the read and write load and data storage requirements. MongoDB Sharding Topology Sharding is implemented through three separate components. Each part performs a specific function: Config Server : Each production sharding implementation must contain at least three configuration servers. This is to ensure redundancy and high availability. Config servers are used to store the metadata that links requested data with the shard that contains it. It organizes the data so that information can be retrieved reliably and consistently. Config servers are the brains of your cl...

How to suppress warnings during drop procedure in MySQL

To suppress the warnings of NOTE level at session level do the following. Please note that I have shown mysql> prompt only for demonstration purpose. In real you need to execute the required SQL command only like DELIMITER; . mysql> DELIMITER ; mysql> mysql> SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES = @@session.SQL_NOTES; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> SET SESSION SQL_NOTES = 1; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Now, let us drop a procedure which does not exist. As you can see a warning message is now visible. mysql> DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS Alter_Table_Remove_Column; Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec) To look at the above warning message, you need to issue the SHOW WARNINGS command. mysql> show warnings; This will produce the following output displaying the warning message. +-------+------+---------------------------------------------+ | Level | Code | Message                            ...
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