mysql stored procedure template for defining a cursor and do error handling
This article will define a basic blueprint for a mysql stored procedure that will declare a cursor to fetch employee details of a particular department and log them into a separate table. The stored procedure will also handle any error occurred during the script execution. The behavior is to rollback the work done and exit from the procedure. SET @sql_notes = @@session.sql_notes; SET SESSION sql_notes = 0; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS usp_fetch_and_log_emp_name; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE usp_fetch_and_log_emp_name(IN p_deptid INT) BEGIN declare v_empid INT; declare v_empname VARCHAR(100); declare v_deptid INT; declare no_more_emp boolean; declare emp_cursor cursor for select emp.empid,, emp.deptid from employees emp where emp.deptid = p_deptid; declare exit handler for sqlexception begin rollback; close emp_cursor; select @@warning_count as warning_count; show errors; end; declare exit handler for sqlwarning begin rollback; c...