How to rename or move a datafile in oracle
How to rename or move a datafile in oracle Renaming/Relocating a Data File or Tablespace 1. Take the tablespace offline: ALTER TABLESPACE USER_DATA OFFLINE; 2. Copy the file to the new location by using OS commands on the disk. 3. Rename the files in the database by using one of the following two commands. The number of data files specified before the keyword TO should be equal to the number of files specified after the keyword. ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE ‘/disk1/oradata/DB01/user_data01.dbf‘, ‘/disk1/oradata/DB01/userdata2.dbf‘, ‘/disk1/oradata/DB01/user_data03.dbf‘ TO ‘/disk2/oradata/DB01/user_data01.dbf‘, ‘/disk2/oradata/DB01/user_data02.dbf‘, ‘/disk2/oradata/DB01/user_data03.dbf‘; Or ALTER TABLESPACE USER_DATA RENAME DATAFILE ‘/disk1/oradata/DB01/user_data01.dbf‘, ‘/disk1/oradata/DB01/userdata2.dbf‘, ‘/disk1/oradata/DB01/user_data03.dbf‘ TO ‘/disk2/oradata/DB01/user_data01.dbf‘, ‘/disk2/oradata/DB01/user_data02.dbf‘, ‘/...